Analysis of POCSO Act: Mechanism of Reporting, Recording and Complaining - A child-friendly approach
Author : Parishka Singh
D.A.V Public School
The P.O.C.S.O Act 2012 sets up procedures to make the justice system more child friendly and to prevent the re-traumatization of a child. The present research paper aims at exploring the different mechanisms of reporting, recording, and complaining under the POCSO Act. This was carried out by doing an in-depth analysis of the three mechanisms - reporting, recording, and complaining through different cases. While the POCSO act is aimed towards the protection of children, it is lacking in many ways as the provisions that are meant to safeguard the interests of the children have failed to provide justice to them. The POCSO Act definitely has a lot of flaws, the incompetence of the administrative bodies has failed to sensitize the public regarding issues of child abuse. There is a scope for improvement if only the rules and procedures under this act are carried out in a lawful manner.